Normally, I would never have given this book a second glance had I seen it in a bookstore. But while I was desperately bored on an international flight, a friend offered to lend it to me, and I was hardly in any position to turn down a form of entertainment.
This book could hardly be called professional. If I hadn't known any better, I would have assumed it was a parody, or written by a thirteen-year-old. Anastasia Steele is yet another dull and compliant protagonist- as if there weren't enough- and Christian Grey is, in simple terms, a glorified stalker. His wealth and good looks only serve to distract the reader from the fact that he has a less than winning personality and is a mentally disturbed control freak- in the very worst sense.
And god knows why anyone would consider the plot a good one. A handsome billionaire happens upon a socially awkward girl (who, in all honesty, has unhealthily high standards), and becomes obsessed with her within thirty minutes of meeting her. I don't know about anyone else, but to me this spells out a
serious mental issue.
E.L. James's writing style is awkward, and at times she uses certain words or phrases that grow to annoy the reader; her repeated mentions of Anastasia's medula oblongata- a term many readers would be unfamiliar with, and serves no purpose other than being a flashy word- and of Anastasia's 'inner goddess' are prime examples.
I could write a book on all the reasons I dislike Anastasia (Fifty Shades of Anastasia Steele's Failures- instant best seller right there), but the most prominent reason I could give is her overall calmness about having a sadistic stalker- as if it were something to be flattered by.
If you're into cheap erotica, or need a good laugh, then by all means, have at it. I will only say though, if you're looking for
decent erotica, just look around on the internet- it's not only better quality smut, but it's free too.